Urmilaben Chauhan, Panchayat Member (Phoolpura, Block: Devgadh Baria, District: Dahod)

Panchayat Member, Urmilaben Chauhan along with mothers who have got their rights
Many women of Devgadh Baria taluka suffer from low hemoglobin, sometimes even lower than seven. In fact, it will not be a tall claim to make if it is said that Urmilaben helped in reducing mother-child mortality in the village. Therefore, it is very important that pregnant women and lactating mothers get their due rights. However, it was not available. Often they had to hear from government offices that sufficient funds are not available. And this was the case in many villages of Baria. Devgadh Mahila Sangathan has taken up this issue with block and district level officials too and have done protest meetings to represent the pressing issue. Urmilaben joined this protest meeting with pregnant women and lactating mothers and helped them accessing their rights. This way Urmilaben is contributing in a big way to reduce mother mortality.

Panchayat Member, Urmilaben Chauhan along with Surjiben Tahed, a recipient of old age pension
Panchayat member Urmilaben has helped 32 old aged people and 11 widowed women to receive their rightful pension. Similarly, Surjiben Tahed, a 62 year old woman was not getting her pension as she did not have a bank account, also she did not have money to open a bank account. Urmilaben helped her in opening the bank account and also made it possible for Surjiben to receive old age pension.

A teenager with disability standing along with Urmilaben Chauhan
Urmilaben has played an active role of a responsible panchayat member and have helped Ward number 7 in getting houses, hand pumps and bore wells. She has helped a teenager girl who has disability, by getting a hand pump near her home.